UAV Competence Center Carinthia
UAV Competence Center Carinthia
In recent years, a good value chain and a comprehensive infrastructure have formed around the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles in Carinthia. Reason enough for us to communicate the activities of the individual entities together to the outside.
In addition to the UAV Lab of the AAU and the Indoor Drone Flight Hall, the 5G Playground, and the Joanneum Research Robotics Institute, Lakeside Labs has been researching UAVs in diverse research projects with industry and the university for decades. In the area of research, FH Kärnten is also very experienced in the field of drones.
The organizations in Carinthia are bound together in state-wide associations such as the Airlabs, which set specific activities in regulation and networking.
On the industry side, there is a global player on board that publishes a drone developer board and some hidden champions that successfully operate on the market with services around the drones.
All this and especially with the infrastructure made possible by the federal, but in particular also by the support of the state of Carinthia through the KwF.
Sounds exciting? It is.
Currently, BABEG, together with ABA, is playing out a campaign to companies in German-speaking countries to further position the business location of Carinthia in terms of UAVs through further networking and connection.