Investments | Kick-off for Silicon Austria Labs
Austria will have a world leading center of excellence for research in electronics and microelectronics in the Silicon Austria Labs. With BABEG investing in the CTR (Carinthian Tech Research), Carinthia has assured the focal areas of power electronics and sensor technology in this unique project. Carinthia is substantiating its reputation as a leading technology region through this and is taking a pioneering step as an industrial and business location in the heart of Europe.
The shareholders of Silicon Austria Labs GmbH are the Austrian provinces of Carinthia, Styria and Upper Austria, the Austrian government in the form of the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, and the Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industry.
The Silicon Austria Labs are expected to grow up to 415 employees by the year 2012, with 192 of them working in Carinthia. The federal government and the provinces will finance the Labs with 140 million euros until 2023 and this sum will be doubled by the electronics industry.
The framework agreement with all stakeholders and the shareholder agreements for the establishment of the company were adopted with unanimous consent in an extraordinary meeting of the Carinthian government today.